Enclosing in Vixeny allows you to nest wraps, other frameworks and functions within other wraps, effectively creating a clousere that the current wrap can’t access to.
// Making a wrap with a specific index base set at the fourth segment
const handlerAt4 = wrap({
indexBase: {
at: 4,
path: "/foo",
f: () => "from inside",
path: "/foo/:hello",
f: ({ param }) => param.hello,
// Making a handler that includes the wrap within a broader path context
const handler = wrap()()
path: "/bar/*", // Encloses "wrapAt4" within the "/bar" path
r: handlerAt4,
const base = "http://localhost/bar";
const req = new Request(base + "/foo");
const param = new Request(base + "/foo/param");
// Executing and logging the response from the "/foo" route
await handler(req).then((x) => x.text())
// Expected to log "from inside"
await handler(param)
.then((x) => x.text())
// Expected to log "param"
Thanks for your time.