
Session mannager in Vixeny.


Basic Example

Checking for a valid session

Session are validated at the resolution of the CTX

import { components, wrap } from "vixeny";

const user = components.session < { hello: string } > ({
  removeDeleteUnusedSession: true,

const handler = wrap({
  // Adding the plugin
  cyclePlugin: {
    path: "/",
    f: ({ user }) => {
      // Returns the current session
      return user.newSession({ hello: "hi" });
    path: "/only",
    // Returns a true if the user has a valid session
    f: ({ user }) => String(user.valid),

const req = new Request("http://localhost/");

// Gets session
const token = await handler(req)
  .then((res) => res.text());

// Adding the session to a cookie
const isSession = new Request("http://localhost/only", {
  headers: {
    Cookie: "session=" + token,

// Sending a request without a session
await handler(new Request("http://localhost/only"))
  .then((res) => res.text())
  // Logs `false`

// Sending a request with a valid session
await handler(isSession)
  .then((res) => res.text())
  // Logs `true`