
Welcome to Vixeny templates! Here are some basics on how the template engine works. It’s recommended to learn about the dynamic path system via the link below.

Before We Start!

We will be using a second server hosted on Deno Deploy for the examples. You can ping the server here:


  • It’s a free-tier host.
  • Cold starting might happen, but this is normal in the cloud environment; the average ping is 55ms.

Introduction to Vixeny’s Structure

Let’s dive into the structure briefly to see how everything interacts.

File Structure

The structure of a typical Vixeny project after installation and template selection looks like this:

├── main.ts
├── package.json
├── src/
│   ├── globalOptions.ts
│   ├── paths/
│   │   └── root.ts
│   └── plugins/
│       ├── tsx.ts
│       ├── typebox.ts
│       └── typescript.ts
├── tsconfig.json
├── views/
│   ├── public/
│   │   ├── $main.tsx
│   │   ├── css/
│   │   │   ├── ...
│   │   └── mjs/
│   │       └── main.ts
│   └── scripts/
│       └── addFooter.ts
└── watcher.mjs

Explanation of Key Files and Directories

  1. main.ts: The main entry point of the server.
  2. src: Contains all the dynamic routes.
    • paths: Houses the logical routes.
    • plugins: Contains addons and templates.
    • globalOptions.ts: Holds options for wrap and the handler.
  3. views: Contains static templates.
    • public: Exposes all files for public access.
    • scripts: Manages TypeScript ts files, which are then imported into public to convert to mjs.
  4. watcher.mjs: The debugger script.

Current Options

Templates work by pointing at a directory and hosting it to the handler. It’s important to note that:

  • They respect nested wildcards.
  • The handler can have more than one.

The next example assumes that you only installed pug.

const fileServer = plugins.fileServer({
  type: "fileServer",
  // Hosted on
  name: "/",
  // Takes files from
  path: "./views/public/",
  // Removes extensions of
  removeExtensionOf: [".html"],
  // If a file starts with it, it will become the `/` of the directory
  slashIs: "$main",
  // Current templates in use:
  template: [pugP, typescriptP],

You can find this file at src/globalOptions.ts.

Plugins and Templates

Example of Using the Typebox Plugin

As we know from the core introduction, plugins only exist if they are included in the options. Here is a basic implementation, but by default all files are set up in create-vixeny.

You can find this file at src/plugins.

import { wrap } from "vixeny";
import { options, request } from "./setup.ts";

const serve = wrap(options)()
    path: "/hi",
    method: "POST",
    f: ({ typebox }) => typebox?.user ? typebox.user.userId : null,

const response = await serveMock(request);
const body = await response.text();

  // 50

Example of Using the Pug Template

Most of the templates have a:

  • default: Provides an object to all the templates for compilation.
  • preserveExtension: Removes the extension of the file.
  • petition: Enables a semi-static route using a petition for all the routes in the wildcard.

In the next example, we will use Pug. So, let’s create a file called hello.pug.

  1. Create a hello.pug file:

    p #{name}'s Pug source code!
  2. Install the pug package and set up src/plugins/pug.ts:

    // Getting dependencies
    import * as pugModule from "pug";
    import { composeResponse, plugins } from "vixeny";
    import { pugStaticServerPlugin } from "vixeny-perspective";
    const serve = composeResponse()([
        type: "fileServer",
        name: "/",
        path: "./public/",
        template: [
          // Plugin
            // File Compiler
            // Removes the `.pug` extension from the `path`
            preserveExtension: false,
            // Default case, this value will be passed to all the files
            default: {
              name: "avant",
  3. Fetch the rendered page:

Semi-Static Routes

As we saw in the last example, you can have a default case, but Vixeny’s structure also allows you to have a petition for the whole staticFileServe.

Using composer.objectNullRequest

  1. Create a petition that checks for a query parameter:

To do this, we need composer.objectNullRequest, where if this petition returns null, it will return the default case. Otherwise, it will pass the object to the template.

import { composer } from "vixeny";

const petition = composer.objectNullRequest()({
  // If exists, it returns the object query, otherwise it returns null
  f: ({ query }) => query?.name ? query : null,
  1. Modify pugStaticServerPlugin to use the petition:

    import { pugStaticServerPlugin } from "vixeny-perspective";
    import { composer } from "vixeny";
    import * as pugModule from "pug";
    export default pugStaticServerPlugin(pugModule.compileFile)({
      preserveExtension: false,
      default: { name: "avant" },
      // Adding a composed petition
      petition: composer.objectNullRequest()({
        f: ({ query }) => query?.name ? query : null,

param in CTX would not work.

Fetching with and without a Query Parameter

  • Default:

  • With a query parameter:

You can find this file at src/plugins.

Thank you for your time.